Learn To Sing Like An Irishman

Thomas McAdam

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What is the greatest Irish ballad of all times? You’ll never get any two Dubliners to agree, but there is something of a consensus that “Danny Boy” and “M0ther Machree” should be at the top of most Hibernian lists.

Many would argue that “Danny Boy,” written in 1913, to the old Irish tune “Londonderry Air,” should win the prize. Recorded by virtually every Irish tenor in history and many of the greatest popular singers of the 20th century, the song's haunting melody and words combine for an emotional tour de force of music. Often sung at funerals and wakes for Firemen, Policemen and those of Irish origin, the lyrics lend themselves to a sorrowful good-bye and are a befitting salute to a dearly beloved who has departed.

But “Danny Boy” was written by Frederick Edward Weatherly (1848-1929), who was not only an Englishman, but also a lawyer. There is no evidence that Weatherly ever even set foot in Ireland.

Our nominee for greatest Irish ballad is “M0ther Machree,” written in 1910 by Chauncey Olcott and Ernest R. Ball, with lyrics by Rida Johnson Young. If, after a couple of Bushmills, this tune fails to bring a tear to your eye, you are not a true son of Erin.

So, in the spirit of St. Paddy’s Day, you be the judge:


Danny Boy  (CLICK HERE, to sing along with music)

Oh, Dan-ny Boy the pipes,

the pipes are ca-ll-ing

From glen to glen,

and down the moun-tain side,


The sum-mer's gone,

and all the ro-ses fa-ll-ing,

It's you, it's you must go,

and I must bide,


But come ye back when sum-mer's

in the me-a-dow,

Or when the val-ley's hushed

and white with snow,


It's I'll be here

in sun-shine or in sh-a-dow,

Oh, Dan-ny Boy, oh Dan-ny Boy,

I love you so!


But when ye come,

and all the flow'rs are d-y-ing,

If I am dead, as dead I well may be,

Ye'll come and find

the place where I am l-y-ing,

And kneel and say an A-ve there for me;


And I shall hear,

though soft you tread a-bo-ve me,

And all my grave will warm-er, sweet-er be,

for you will bend and tell me that you lo-ve me,

And I shall sleep in peace un-til you come to me!


M0ther Machree  (CLICK HERE, to sing along with music)

There's a spot in my heart,

Which no colleen may own.

There's a depth in my soul,

Never sounded or known;


There's a place in my mem'ry,

My life, that you fill,

No other can take it,

No one ever will.


Chorus:            Sure, I love the dear silver

                        That shines in your hair,

                        And the brow that's all furrowed,

                        And wrinkled with care.

                        I kiss the dear fingers,

                        So toil-worn for me,

                        Oh, God bless you and keep you,

                        M0ther Machree.


Ev'ry sorrow or care

In the dear days gone by,

Was made bright by the light

Of the smile in your eye,


Like a candle that's set

In the window at night,

Your fond love has cheered me

And guided me right.


Chorus:            Sure, I love the dear silver

                        That shines in your hair,

                        And the brow that's all furrowed,

                        And wrinkled with care.

                        I kiss the dear fingers,

                        So toil-worn for me,

                        Oh, God bless you and keep you,

                        M0ther Machree.


Read more:  Louisville’s Ancient Order Of Hibernians

Read more:  History of the Irish in Louisville


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